Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thin-plate spline interpolation scheme

Few days have passed since the last post. Since then I was busy implementing my new CThinPlateSpline-Class that wraps the functionality I intended to provide you with. To give you all better access I started a project on where you can checkout the sources an use them.

svn checkout

This link will provide you the access to the svn repository where you can find the actual source code in the trunk folder. I had not the time to intensely check the code for bugs, so I hope you will provide me with bug reports if you find something.

The code is not really in its final state, since I want to add more TPS approximations and improvements. But as it is now, you should get acquainted with the code really fast since it's kind of self-explaining. Nonetheless I will try to post a simple code example so everyone knows how to use the class.

I also took the time to comment the code, at least the header file. It was done in doxygen-style so the is a small but nice documentation included in the project. The documentation is located at the source folder and can be found in the folder "doc". If you really trying to use my code base, take a look there.

Since time was of the essence, I simply uploaded the VisualStudio2010(beta2) project to the server. I know this isn't the nicest way to provide you with my code, but know this - you really do need only two files to get going with your own project. Simply check out  the following files:


All functionality is provided by those two files. Just add them to your own project and link against the OpenCV 2.0 libraries. In the coming week I will try to provide you with a more suitable approach. I'm planning to wrap the sources into a library or a dll (for windows users) so you simply have to compile the code.


  1. Hi, Firstly thank you for sharing, I tried this example and i've got following unresolved external error

    LNK2001: unresolved external symbol public __cdecl CThinPlateSpline::warpImage(class cv::Mat const &,class cv::Mat &,float,int,enum TPS_INTERPOLATION)

    I think its about non-included additional library but i added all opencv libraries and i built as Release. Can you send me your all additional libraries names or do you have another solution about this ?

